Tuesday, 18 September 2012

One month in and the culture shock begins...

Today is the 18th September, exactly one month into my study abroad experience.
It's bizarre though because although in some ways that feels like a long time but in others it feels like  nothing. I absolutely love it here and wouldn't regret the experience for the world but as things are starting to settle down my emotions are beginning to impersonate a Yo-Yo. One minute i'll be feeling so excited and happy and the next, usually when I sit down at my desk and attempt to tackle my mountains of revision, I feel completely down in the dumps. I guess it's culture shock kicking in. The work load is hanging over me and I feel like i'm in one of those movies where the walls start closing in and the only thing I can do is slow them down but it's impossible to actually stop them. It doesn't help that for every one piece of work I complete I get three more. It's frustrating because  I really want to make the most of being here but instead i'm stating to feel trapped. I know however, that this is mostly psychological  and for those who know me you'll know how I am when I get stressed, and exam related stress is a whole other level. I'm sure that in two weeks time everything will be better, mostly because my exams will be over and i'll be heading off to New York. Work hard, play hard I guess!

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