Monday, 3 September 2012


So, as many of you have pointed out, most of my posts so far have been a fairly rose tinted account of what I've been up to. In fact if you look closely most of what the events I've been writing about are at least 5 days apart. The reality is that I spend a large portion of the day hidden from view by a towering pile of books.

I do love my classes though so i'll give you a quick idea of what they involve. Sociology of Aging looks at everyday perceptions of the elderly, theories that determine what age is and the psychological process that is aging. This is probably my favourite class. Then there is Sociology of Deviance, where we have debates about drug smuggling. Sociology of Media where we look at the effect advertising has on our view of society and then my least favourite, Research Methods which is basically how to conduct research. Over the next 4 months I have something like 8 exams, an essay due every week, about 8 chapters of reading per week along with class presentations and god knows what else...  I'll stop now as I know this is definitely boring but be assured that for every trip to the beach I write about there are a fair few essays being written behind the scenes. In fact i've got my alarm set for 6:40 am tomorrow so I can go over some notes before class.

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