Monday, 24 September 2012

Mr&Mrs Badman are in town

On Saturday 22nd September my lovely Mum and Step dad did the 9andahalf hour flight to Charlotte, NC and then the connecting flight arriving in Wilmington where I was excitedly waiting for them. They’re staying for a two week trip in Wilmington and what is Mum’s first time in America. We picked up the keys to their rental Chevy and cruised along the highway to their home for a week. I say cruised but figuring out how to function this beast of a car proved to be slightly problematic but after a short stint on the left-hand side of the road we were off and running.

After some confusion with the maps we finally found the entrance to Mcrae Street, which was on first impressions quite something as we were instantly reminded of the Caribbean. The street is full of brightly coloured shanty town-like houses with an array of curious dark faces peering at us from their rocking chairs on their respective porches. We smiled back apprehensively completely aware of how incredibly foreign we looked. We finally found our house number, slightly overshooting as Mum attempted to located the brake, we got out and looked up. The house is fantastic and all-American with its wooden slates, wrap around porch and, of course, rocking chair.

The next morning, Sept 23rd,  I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and padded into the kitchen for some marmite on toast with banana. It’s the little things you miss. After breakfast we strolled down a couple of blocks until we were in the downtown Historic District with the sunshine beating down on us and the birds chirping happily. We had a lovely walk around, me pointing out the sights and showing off my new home before hopping onto a boat tour down the river learning some more about the history of the area.  Then my favourite time of day after dinner, lunch! We went to a lovely restaurant and sat out on the patio overlooking the cape-fear river and ate fresh salads, finally embracing some healthy food after all the burgers.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Fuzzy Peach, Peanut Butter & Jelly and a trip to Best Buy.

Hey all (Or should I say y'all!).
Sorry about my pessimistic ramblings yesterday, I just felt like I need to have a moan.
Today, however, i'm feeling gooood! My lovely mother and step-dad are coming up to visit me on Saturday so I am looking forward to some home cooked dinners and family time. As I was saying with my closing-in-walls lame-ass analogy yesterday the work today has been completed, targets met, the walls pushed away and a sigh of relief let out.

This afternoon I managed to convince Livi to come to Best Buy with me as I needed to get a new phone, so we hailed a cab, got in, in drove for... approximately two minutes, it turned a corner and there we were. I guess that's what happens when you live on a campus that is the size of a small city and surrounded by roads that closely resemble the M4. Best Buy is virtually identical to Currys or PCWorld and as a result of this I put up my metaphorical British shield and waited to be bombarded with people trying to sell me the best deal. Nothing. Nada. No one. In the end I had to resort to asking for help. I guess that's just a British thing. The over enthusiastic sales assistance that is... not the asking for help.

Shopping complete we decided to attempt the walk home as it seemed abit extravagant to ring up a taxi. The first issue came about 24seconds in when we were suddenly faced by an enormous junction, with 8 different lanes full of Monster Trucks whizzing by. With no crossing in sight me and Livi just stood there like idiots until someone else turned up and we felt brave enough to cross. Feeling proud of ourselves we wandered on and came across a row of shops and restaurants. Almost simultaneously our  faces lit up and then dropped. Yesss shops! Followed by the realization that we hadn't passed these shops on the way over... we'd gone the wrong way. Oh well, when life gives you lemons... you go and get a frozen "yo-gurt". Fuzzy Peach is a little ice cream parlor set up by ex students and is absolutely delicious! I had cheesecake flavoured yogurt with fresh raspberries. Wonderful.

When we eventually arrived back at I-House we were greeted by our lovely RA (resident assistant)  Ashley who had set up a Peanut Butter and Jelly party... well, when in rome...!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

One month in and the culture shock begins...

Today is the 18th September, exactly one month into my study abroad experience.
It's bizarre though because although in some ways that feels like a long time but in others it feels like  nothing. I absolutely love it here and wouldn't regret the experience for the world but as things are starting to settle down my emotions are beginning to impersonate a Yo-Yo. One minute i'll be feeling so excited and happy and the next, usually when I sit down at my desk and attempt to tackle my mountains of revision, I feel completely down in the dumps. I guess it's culture shock kicking in. The work load is hanging over me and I feel like i'm in one of those movies where the walls start closing in and the only thing I can do is slow them down but it's impossible to actually stop them. It doesn't help that for every one piece of work I complete I get three more. It's frustrating because  I really want to make the most of being here but instead i'm stating to feel trapped. I know however, that this is mostly psychological  and for those who know me you'll know how I am when I get stressed, and exam related stress is a whole other level. I'm sure that in two weeks time everything will be better, mostly because my exams will be over and i'll be heading off to New York. Work hard, play hard I guess!

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Hollywood East

Well, when in Wilmington...
Yesterday we thought we'd make the most of the sunshine and head Downtown and take a guided walking tour of film locations, or what is affectionately known as Willmywood or Hollywood East.

Wilmington has a huge film industry, which is why they call it Hollywood of the East and they are currently filming Iron Man and something with Jennifer Aniston in it and, ofcourse, this is where they filmed One Tree Hill and Dawson's Creek. Most of which was filmed in or around campus. 

Our guide to the Hollywood Tour was an eccentric 'actor'  who guided us around town on a 90 minute name dropping tour. Enthusiastically recounting stories of celebrity encounters, and retelling elaborate stories of movies gone by.  "Over there, is where I met Katie Holmes, wh-eee-ll she was quite something" and that's the pub where me and John Travolta shared a cold one".  I don't think anyone was 100% convinced if any of these anecdotes were based on much factual reality, but either way it was an amusing way  to spend the afternoon. He acted out scenes from movies (video clip is him acting out the opening scene to Matlock... not that i've ever watched that, but you get the idea of the tour). It was such a hot day so our guide kindly steered us over to places in the shade or near air conditioning but either way by the end we were ready to crash so headed to a coffee shop for an ice coffee before heading home. 

Friday, 14 September 2012

The scene includes barrel fires and a person scaling the building.... and maybe a couple of cows.

Earlier I had checked my university e-mail and saw this:

"The UNCW Education Building is being temporarily used as ‘The Ohio State University’ for the NBC TV series "Revolution.” The cast and crew are filming in the courtyard tonight (Friday, Sept. 14) beginning around 7 p.m. The filming is expected to last until the early hours of the morning. The scene includes barrel fires and a person scaling the building."

Then I put this to the back of my mind and headed out to dinner and then to the cinema.
The cinema is absolutely surreal. After you purchase your popcorn and tickets from the lobby you enter a room that is virtually identical to that of The Vue or Cineworld. It was, for a moment, as if I was back in Cardiff Central. That was until the movie started and the Americans started wooping and clapping. Us Brits are a little more reserved than that. We watched Magic Mike again. Which, by the way, gets better with every viewing.

After the film we wandered back and thought we'd check in on the film set (thus is my life now!), highly anticipating explosions and people abseiling of buildings. Instead we found a herd of bulls in a confined area and the film grew retaking a scene of a girl simply walking past them. I'm not sure what this says about Ohio if the scene was supposed to be on the university campus!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Ampitheatre, live music and sunshine

This is a picture of the ampitheatre I found online
It's been such a nice day in the states, one exactly how I imagined my time here would be spent! In between class we walked to Hawksnest and whilst we were grabbing some food (I got myself a feta and lamb wrap from the Greek Bar) when we heard someone playing guitar in the distance. intrigued we headed out into the blazing hot sunshine and followed the sound to the amphitheatre... yes UNCW has it's own ampitheatre.... and sat down. With grass between our toes we ate our lunch to this really good band who, by the way, played The Beatles and listened, chatted and soaked up the sun until the clock tower chimed the sounds of Big Ben to let us know is was time to head to our next lesson. It was so nice.

**I'm sat on the sofa in the common room tapping away writing this and half listening to my friends chattering around me. Then I half hear my Brazilian friend (I won't say her name) next to me murmur "What is this...? What happens if I pull..." then the room starts flashing and a  deafening siren punctures the room. It was absolutely hilarious! We were all evacuated from the building, in fits of giggles and trying to give ourselves away as the police turn up. wooops! 

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

September 11th

I found this on the UNCW website, I think it was taken last year. 
Today is September the 11th,  a day that normally would have passed me by without too much impact on my daily routine other than a minutes silence, but here it seemed much closer to home.
The hour of the attack was about 8'o'clock so, shamefully, I was asleep at that moment but we had a really interesting Sociology of Deviance class as a result. We were talking about Moral Panics and the impact they had- 9/11 in particular. The main reason I'm blogging about this is because of some of the stories I heard from my class mates re the moral panic following 9/11. They went through it all, emergency evacuations, were told to regularly get under their desk as quickly as possible when yelled to do so and one girl explained that they were told they had to have clear back packs in class just in case they were disclosing any incriminating weapons. Madness!!

I also had my first exam today but luckily I think it went well,mostly because I had it fixed into my mind that i'd be in a big room for four hours writing essay after essay. The reality of the matter is that it was largely multiple choice/ true or false questions with a few short essay question at the end. So yeah, I'm quite happy. Fingers crossed they will all be like that! Also, the other thing I was going to say is you know that Study abroad in Wales talk I had? Well I've now had the same talk repeated four times. Yes, anyone would think they wanted to send me home!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Hello from America!

Hello lovely friends and family back home. Things have been pretty quiet lately, mostly on account of the fact that I've got my first exam tomorrow -sob-! It seems so crazy as I've been hearing that everyone  in the UK is heading back to University this week after I've been here for nearly a month and am approaching my 'Mid-Terms', which are a bunch of exams we have half way through the term...!
I don't have too much to report but I'll put in some little snippets. First of, Wag, which is our dinning hall is getting a bit ridiculous now. I went for an aerobics class  the other day and when I stumbled out, ravished with hunger into Wag I was greeted by a big, fat, greasy fry-up which was the only option in the all-you-can-eat buffet at 8:30pm. Then again, I went for 'brunch' (we're combining our breakfast and lunch as a result of a limited student income) they had roast chicken, sausages,ratatouille , vegetables- everything you could ever hope for dinner... not at 11:30am... naturally I went all out but my options are limited.
We went to Wallmart last night, not much to report but on the way back we had a Taxi driver who couldn't have been more excited that we were English, turns out he was a massive Dr Who fan and within minutes was asking if we recollected that fateful episode in 1976 when the Dr battles the blahblah monster. 1976? 1976?! I wasn't even alive. It was quite amusing though and after we said good-bye, promising to send him over some Jelly Beans. We  then went home, collapsed on the sofa and watched all our favourite programs from the BBC.
I will keep you updated but wish me luck for my exam tomorrow, especially seeing as I seem to have developed a cold so am not feeling too good. Spirits are up though,temporarily at least and they'll be even higher tomorrow when I step out of the exam room. Bye for now :)

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Saturday Night In

The world is plotting against be healthy! I think yesss splurge, Saturday night, CHINESE, order a Chow Mein. What do I get? Lettuce and Onions. Slight waste of $10. Then I think, well i'll have  a Dr Pepper, press the buttons and... and... water. Ergh. It's okay i've got a 3 Muskerteers bar. Feeling happy and sufficiently unhealthy.  Now time to snuggle up with my duvet and a film with friends. 

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Home from home

Hey all! I've just come out of class and thought i'd do a little update before I hit the books again!  I'm in such a good mood today, I think things that I've been learning in my lectures are starting to go in now and i'm starting to be able to answer questions without feeling too naive among all the honour students..! I had such a surreal moment in my Aging class today as we had a representative from Swansea University came in trying to convince us what a great country Wales is and how we should study there. Very surreal! 
The meal last night was so nice. We went to a restaurant called Bay side which, unsurprisingly, was right beside the bay. A long table was set out for us overlooking the water where we all watched the sunset where every one tucked into the catch of the day (or, in my case, spaghetti....). We had a waiter with one of the best accents i've heard so far where he pronounced Coke as "Co-ooh-ke" and Risotto like "rhi-so-toe"    and we stayed there until it was dark. It really was lovely so hopefully we'll do that again! I better go do some reading now, I've had my little break that involved Hazelnut coffee with Irish cream (yum!)  and a snickers bar, and now Deviant Behaviour calls... although sadly not the fun kind. Catch you later! 

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Bayside Meal

Today we headed out to have dinner by the river. Nice food, beautiful view, hot sun, friends. Happy!

Monday, 3 September 2012


So, as many of you have pointed out, most of my posts so far have been a fairly rose tinted account of what I've been up to. In fact if you look closely most of what the events I've been writing about are at least 5 days apart. The reality is that I spend a large portion of the day hidden from view by a towering pile of books.

I do love my classes though so i'll give you a quick idea of what they involve. Sociology of Aging looks at everyday perceptions of the elderly, theories that determine what age is and the psychological process that is aging. This is probably my favourite class. Then there is Sociology of Deviance, where we have debates about drug smuggling. Sociology of Media where we look at the effect advertising has on our view of society and then my least favourite, Research Methods which is basically how to conduct research. Over the next 4 months I have something like 8 exams, an essay due every week, about 8 chapters of reading per week along with class presentations and god knows what else...  I'll stop now as I know this is definitely boring but be assured that for every trip to the beach I write about there are a fair few essays being written behind the scenes. In fact i've got my alarm set for 6:40 am tomorrow so I can go over some notes before class.

Dreamy reverie...

It's 23:46 and i'm curled up in bed listening to the crickets chirping outside and feeling really content. I've been here for little over two weeks, but despite this, I feel completely at ease and like this is home. It's strange and we were talking about it earlier but the friendship group we've formed feels like one we've had for years. I guess it's because we're all united in the same adventure and everyone is the same in just wanting to be somewhere new, and as a result of this, it seems that only by being out of our comfort zone are we in fact in it. I do miss home, of course, and at time I feel pretty stressed about the consistent testing we're getting put through in class but even this doesn't put me off. When it comes to work all I can do is try my hardest but at the same time embrace everything that comes with being a student here.  I miss a lot about home, family, friends, home comforts and vegetables (seriously, the American's just seem to cut this section of the food circle clean out of their diets) but even so I already know that, although I'll start to miss home soon and will look forward to going at home for Christmas, by the time January comes around i'll want to be back here but for now i'm just going to make the most of every second!

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Filming at UNCW!

At night UNCW campus turns into a film set for the new NBC tv series, from the makers of Supernatural and the director of Iron Man- 'Revolution'. I had heard that Wilmington was the 'Hollywood of the East' with a major film studio... which I still really need to checkout... but I hadn't experienced any of this until yesterday. 

A group of us were sitting in the common room when we received a text saying "come quick, filming on campus!" so we dropped everything and ran outside. When we got there we saw a huge set with massive spot lights  shining down on to a group of army guys with big guns walking purposefully down the path. The director yelled "cut!"and sent them back up the path. For the next hour these guys were pacing down the path only to get sent back up again. The novelty soon wore off but it was pretty cool! Especially when the director shouted "Action!" and we were shushed as the cameras starting rolling. 

Tattoo!! (It's Henna don't worry)