Thursday, 6 December 2012

Studying for finals

I stare forward, eye transfixed to the wall where an array of multi-coloured sticky notes are displayed. The second hand of my watch tick-tick-ticks as I continue to look straight ahead. "Social security is estimated to go bankrupt in 2037". I know that. I stare forward a little longer. Reaching forward I then clasp my mug of coffee to me as if it had the elixure of eternal life  inside. I take a long sip and again look forward.  I then notice there seems to be a dark smudge on the wall. I gaze at it for a little while, pondering if it will come off. Before I know it I am then painstakingly scrubbing at the walls with make up remover. There, that's better.  I sit down, take a sip of my coffee and once again look forward at the multi-coloured squares. Proposals to save social security... um, raise the pension age and uh, -looks ahead- raise the amount of wages subject to payroll tax. What does that really mean? sips coffee. Probably should start thinking about packing soon. I've only got a small suitcase and I really don't think it's going to hold everything. Maybe I should leave my trainers behind. I mean realistically i'm not going to use them. Maybe I should though, I mean I probably should work out more. Maybe i'll go to the gym now.... perhaps not. I sigh and sit back and look at the wall. "What happens to surplus payroll taxes not used for current benefits?" - Treasury bonds... it's definitely something to do with treasury bonds. I think I need another coffee.

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