I've known that I have been accepted onto this exchange for a few months now, but despite this, today is the first day that it has seemed real. The first day where I've thought, wow, I am actually going to America... for 4 months... on my own. The other realisation that I've had today is that it's no longer next year that this will be happening but in fact less than 20 days. To be precise it's 19days, 18hours and 34 minutes. The nerves are starting to kick in. In spite of this, however, I know that nerves are good. In fact all of the best and most memorable events in my life have, so far, undoubtedly began with a slight doubt. The ability to go for the safe option is always there, raising it's appealing little head and saying "Just stay here. Your nice comfy bed is here, your friends, family and ability to curl up on a Saturday night with your boyfriend, some junk food and comforting TV are all here" and although this is always an option I know I have to avoid it. Life is about stepping out of your comfort zone and going into the great big unknown. As St. Augustine said “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” Now, on that note, I better get packing.